First thing in the morning, most of the field were searching for the cancellation as the weather forecast was for high winds and showers turning to heavy rain, however, the sun was shining and as the day progressed the rain looked as though it would not arrive until mid afternoon, which is exactly what happened. The result was a shortened final game and a great day of bowls.
With 4 Wins, 24 Ends and 44 Points, the only four winning team was Mick Moody and Peter Nathan, our visitors from Birkenhead.

2nd – 3.5 W, 20E, 36P – Tony James and Tony Trent
3rd – 3W, 23E, 37P – Phil Chisholm and Ron Horne
4th – 3W, 20E, 35P – Jan Gledhill and John Gledhill
5th – 3W, 19P, 39P – Noelene Culpin and Caryl Miles