Defying the weather gods, 17 super troopers entered Tuesday Club Day!

And, would you believe it, the sun showed up for time to time. So did the showers, of course. But we played 3 games of 3 bowls pairs. With 4,3,2,1 points for the 4 best bowls, just to keep the brain cells working!

We did get a bit wet at times, but with set ends we could stop at any time, when the showers got too heavy. But, being the troopers we are, we held out till the end.

4 players managed to over 100 points and they were Enid Di Cesare and Tony Popplewell, first place, followed by Les Boulton in 3rd place and Bill Lowe in forth.

As, I hope, you all know by now, the club rooms are undergoing some major work, so we don’t know when next Club Day will be, but, please, keep yourself informed by reading the news letter and website!
Till then, take care.