Another beautiful calm and sunny autumn day, with perfect bowling conditions, enjoyed by eight teams playing three bowl triples on the carpet.

Only eight teams meant that only four rinks were required, allowing us to spread out a little (using rinks 2, 4, 6 and 8). This also meant that each team played a game on each rink, which evened things out between teams a bit more than usual.

Teams were pretty evenly matched, with most games being closely contested, the result several times being decided in the last end, or sometimes the last bowl even, although one team had a big win in the first game and then a similarly big loss in the second game.

To add a little difference to the day, placings were determined by wins and then least points scored against. This didn’t make a difference to the three teams that ended up on the podium but it did make a difference to the order compared to if it had been done the usual way (wins and ends).

There were no four winners, so the prize money went to the three three winners.
First, with 25 points scored against was Roger Potter, Graeme Storey and Bill Lowe (who had more than half of their points scored against them in their first game).

Second, with 27 points scored against was Murray Radojkovich, David Lloyd and John Miles (who won their last game from a rogue last bowl from Murray that wicked off a bowl way out to the side, came in, picked up the jack, carried it past three opposition bowls, to David’s bowl that was sitting just in front of the ditch).

Third, with 30 points scored against, was Jo Baxter, Glenda Rountree and Joy Watkinson.

Lucky dip went to the “fill in” team of Pat Clarke, Priscilla Page and Muy Chhour.

As usual, thanks to all those who helped with the many tasks that need to be done to make the day successful, especially to Gaye Horne for the unexpected treats at lunchtime, the two “fill in” teams who made up the numbers, and the ladies team that cleaned up and sorted the kitchen after lunch (helped by Gaye I suspect).

Steve McGregor