Let’s keep on rolling those bowls in these fantastic extended summer conditions. What a pleasure it was to be playing in the final day of the 2022 season Silverfin 5’s sponsored by Silverfin Capital.
Congratulations to the only team to take out 6 out of 6 wins: a rare feat. Leon Wech, Colleen Rice, Tony Stanaway, Ric Lydford and Bevyn Darlington took the change of surface from grass to carpet, carpet to grass in their stride and managed 6 Wins, and 54 Ends.

1st – 6 Wins, 54 Ends – Leon Wech, Colleen Rice Tony Stanaway, Ric Lydford and Bevyn Darlington
2nd – 5W, 55E – Colin Rogan, Bruce McClintock, Elaine McClintock, John Walker end Kerin Roberts
3rd – 5W, 54E – Murray Radjokovich (substitutes), Brian Rogers, Theresa Rogers, Lorna Donald and Barry McCrystal
4th – 5W, 46E – Ian Coombe, Sandra Coombe, Ron Horne, Gaye Horne and John Valentine
The overal series was won by the Colin Rogan team with 61 games points.
2nd – Orgias 58 game point
3rd Radojkovich – 56 game points
4th Coombe – 48 game points