It was HOT, HOT, HOT and the Harcourt’s Community Carpet green was running FAST, FAST, FAST.
With the Bowls North Harbour Women’s Interclub 7’s being played on our Mayfair and Kensington grass greens, the Saturday pm Haggle went ahead on the Harcourt’s Community Carpet green and was supported by a good field of 20 players: not bad for this time of year and with some regulars away on holiday. Many thanks to Ron Horne who took on the late challenge to make up the numbers in the field.
We welcomed a new member, Janet Lyons to her first game of bowls and she showed good form as the results indicate.
There were two three winner teams and the better of those was the team of Mick Taylor and Chris Tegg. CONGRATULATIONS.

1st – 3W, 16E, 31P – Mick Taylor and Chris Tegg
2nd – 3W, 11E, 22P – John Smith and Roger Potter
3rd – 2W, 11E, 19P – Ron Horne and Janet Lyons
Thanks to Garth, Ron Horne and Enid Di Cesare for being the organising team while Russell is away on a well earned break. Thanks also to those who helped prepare the greens and tidied up the gear after match.