The weather forecast was for rain about midday, and showers, some heavy, during the afternoon. So, games were cut back to one hour 15 minutes to try to get the morning games in before the rain, which worked well. Morning games finished just as the shower arrived. Shower continued over lunch, so afternoon start delayed. Decision made to start at 12.30, play one final third game of 6 ends, no time limit, in order to constitute a tournament, which was duly completed without the wet. Then “Murphy’s Law” kicked in and no further wet until about 2.00pm.

There were three 3 winners:
First, with three wins and 18 ends was Brian Nolan, Kevin Robertson and Gordon Jenkins.
Second, with three wins and 17 ends was Larry Cain, Murray Radojkovich and Barry McCrystal.
Third, with three wins and 15 ends was Colleen Rice, Grant Keats and Phil Chisholm.

Daily prize was awarded to the team that had the best two wins, one win in the morning and the other in the afternoon, which was won by the team of Gerry Strydom, Barry Baillie and Graeme McGregor, who had 13 ends in the two games.

Lucky dip went to Roger Potter, Bill Lowe and David Hope.

An observation from the entry list – of the 18 teams entered, 11 had a substitution from the entry list from that entered on the website. Probably an indication of those away on holiday and those with winter ailments.

Next week is three bowls.

Remember – JACKPOT PAIRS next Tuesday. Enter now.

Steve McGregor
Tournament convenor