Another lovely day on the green, with a bit of a variable breeze in the afternoon to make green width interesting at times.

Three four winners:
First: Phil Chisholm, Theresa Rogers and Bevan Smith with 34 ends
Second: Colin Rogan, Lindsay Gilmore and Bruce McClintock with 31 ends
Third: Larry Cain, Brian Rogers and Gaye Horne with 25 ends

Daily prize was interesting, with several teams having two wins a.m. or p.m. but most a.m. However, if came down to the morning two winners, both of whom had 16 ends.

Unlucky was Alan Daniels, Stuart Jamieson and Joy Watkinson with 25 points for, outdone by David Payne, Evan Thomas and Wayne Glogoski with a massive 38 points for due to a 25 to 5 win in their first game.

Lucky dip went to Jim Price, Flora MacDonald and Jane MacKay

Next week is 3 BOWLS
Steve McGregor
Tournament Convenor