The final of the Arvida Mixed Triples was held on Tuesday with 18 teams entered.
In the Cup division, the winners were Bruce McClintock, Colin Rogan and Jan Calcott with 4 wins, 30 ends and 55 points.
Second was Judi Farkash, Glenda Rountree and Graham McGregor with 3 wins, 26 ends and 51 points.
Third was Phil Chisholm, Jan Gledhill and Allan Langley with 2 wins, 27 ends and 55 points.
In the Plate division the winners were Ian Coombe, Irene Donaldson and Bruce Aley with 3 1/2 wins, 29 ends and 60 points.
Second was Tony James, Enid DiCesare and Ian McGovern with 3 wins, 28 ends and 50 points.
Third was Flora MacDonald, Arthur Beale and Rosemary Nicol with 3 wins, 25 ends and 53 points.
The Daily prize went to Larry Cain, Sheryl Wellington and Tony Trent with 2 wins in the afternoon.