The selectors would like to announce the following teams for the Boewls North Harbour Pennants being played on August 17/24/31st ,  Reserve Day September 7th.


Division 1.
SharksManager Sheryl Wellington.
Team 1  –  Phill Chisholm, David Payne and Colleen Rice (17th) and Theresa Rogers (24th).
Team 2 –  Sheryl Wellington, Kevin Cameron and Jan Gledhill
Team  3 – Leon Wech, Bruce McClintock and Elaine McClintock.

Division 2.
StingraysManager Gaye Horne.
Team 1 – Gaye Horne, Judi Farkash and Rosemary Nicol.

Team 2 – John Gledhill, Glenda Rountree and Steve McGregor.

DolphinsManager Lorna Donald.
Team 1 – Lorna Donald, Jane Mackay, Tony Stanaway.
Team 2 – Joy Watkinson, Flora Macdonald and Annie McGrath.

These are the teams for the first week and will be reviewed for the second and third weeks.  A condition of entry is that if a player has played in the Division 1 team, they are not able to play in a Division 2 team.

Changes could be made due to unforeseen circumstances.

Just a reminder that the cost to enter each team is $80.00 to the club, for each team, so there is an expectation that you are committed for all three days regardless of the weather or the team results.

If you are indisposed, or unable to play please contact the selectors who will look for a replacement.

 Reserves Gordon Jenkins, Alan Daniels, Glyn Taylor, Jim Price, Barry Baillie N/A 31ST, Graeme Storey n/a 31st, Stuart Mackay N/A 24TH.

Venues to be confirmed.
Many thanks to everyone who put their names forward.

Good bowling to all those teams.

Selectors – Alan Daniels, Allan Langley, Elaine McClintock, Colleen Rice, Leon Wech and Sheryl Wellington.