Hi everyone.
The selectors are URGENTLY looking for players for the Bowls North Harbour Interclub Pennants to be played on Saturday/Sunday October 30/31 and Saturday November 6.

 We need names NO LATER than next Wednesday, 13TH  October.

Please phone or text Alan Daniels – 479 1489 or 027 290 0127, or email a_mdaniels@xtra.co.nz
Please advise your preferred playing position, either Skip, Two or Lead.

The categories are:
Men’s Premier               9 players
Women’s Premier         6 players
Men’s Division 1           6 players
Women’s Division 1     6 players
Mixed Section A           9 players
Mixed Section B           6 players

We can enter more than one side in each category but there can be no interchange of players between those teams.

Play will be in teams of triples, playing two bowls each player and 18 ends per game, and it is expected two games will played each day subject to entries.

To play in this tournament your 2021/22 subs must be fully paid.

I have already been given the following names whom are keen to play.
Elwyn Beatson ,Colleen Rice,  Brian Nolan, George Durbridge , Wayne Glogoski and Glyn Taylor.

Alan Daniels
P (09) 479 1489      M 027 290 0127

Please note, the PPL has been cancelled.