Saturday Haggle 2nd Dec 2017
Tony Popplewell and George Jones had 3 wins and were winners as they had 3 more points ahead of Larry Cain and Steve McGregor the other 3 winner. In third…
Tony Popplewell and George Jones had 3 wins and were winners as they had 3 more points ahead of Larry Cain and Steve McGregor the other 3 winner. In third…
In good bowling conditions, only two teams managed to get 4 wins. Evan and Ric had two more points than Brian and Arthur. In third place was Ian and Don.…
Congrats to Bruce and Helen Aley for winning the $300 Jackpot with + 12. Amazing there was no Born Loser this time. What's a Born Loser you may ask? Well…
Lots of congratulations go to both of our Mens and Ladies pairs teams who both reached the semi-finals of the Centre Pairs on Saturday.MAIRANGI BAY was represented by BRIAN ROGERS…
22 teams of triples in lovely sunny weather played in the Albany Toyota sponsored tournament. Les Clemm from Toyota left a new car beside the green that everyone wished they…
Make a note in your diaries. Our Ham & Bubbles Tournament will be held on Sunday December 10th followed by a social gathering with nibbles & easy listening music supplied…
Friday December 8th is the date of our big Christmas Ham Tournament sponsored by Milford Asset Management. Format is Open Mixed 2 Bowl Triples, 4 games of 1 hour 30…
Our greens were very full today as Mairangi hosted 18 visiting Retirement Village teams in an Invitation Triples Tournament. Park Lane, Mayfair, Peninsula Club, The Poynton, Greenwich Gardens, Settlers, Monterey…
A good turn out again on a beautiful calm Monday evening with 17 participants in the skills training. Great to see four new members at practice and a big welcome to…
That's Friday of next week folks!! The Jackpot is standing at $300.00 and can be won by any team on the night. You do not have to win each game…