Stanaway Cup 2019 – Manly Junior Tournament
MANLY BOWLING CLUB INC 56 Laurence Street Manly PHIL STANAWAY MEMORIAL TROPHY 2019 Junior Any Combination Winter Fours for Bowlers 5 years and under However 2 players up to 8…
MANLY BOWLING CLUB INC 56 Laurence Street Manly PHIL STANAWAY MEMORIAL TROPHY 2019 Junior Any Combination Winter Fours for Bowlers 5 years and under However 2 players up to 8…
AGENDA FOR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD 9:30 am on Saturday 29th June 2019 AT THE CLUBROOMS, 11 – 13 Ramsgate Terrace, Mairangi Bay Apologies. Minutes of Annual General…
Hi Everyone, Last Sunday saw the running of the Sorrill Cup fours for Juniors held at Browns Bay. Normally a 1-5 tournament this year it was opened up to two…
The wind blew but the rain did not come. There was only one four winner and that was the team of Ruth Lynch, Evan Thomas and Ric Lydford. The…
There was only one shower to stop play for a few minutes. There was one four winner and it was the team of Neil Buckner, Theresa Rogers and Sean Mulholland.…
There were no 4 winners on a day made difficult by the wind and the short periods of rain. There were 4 three winners. The best with 27 ends was…
The only three winner was John Miles and new member Kevin Robertson. Second with two wins and 16 ends was Steve McGregor and Peter Rudgley. Third also with two wins…
What a stunning day for it. Pretty much perfect conditions with the temperature dropping around 3:00 pm with only the real hardy not putting on an extra layer. Congratulations to the…
Everybody arrived in time for the new winter start time of 12.30. As a result, we finished just after 3.30. There were no 3 winners. Leon Wech and Christine Patterson…
Mark Cameron is holding an update meeting at Orewa on 20th May, 6:00 pm. All members are welcome to attend. Please register by emailing Bowls North Harbour.