Haggle Results – Saturday 20 July 2019
Only one three winner today. This was the team of John Gledhill and Gayle Wilkinson. Second was Caryl Miles and new member Brian Nolan. Third were Mike Wilkinson and Russell…
Only one three winner today. This was the team of John Gledhill and Gayle Wilkinson. Second was Caryl Miles and new member Brian Nolan. Third were Mike Wilkinson and Russell…
Sunny except for 10 minutes while we were eating our lunch and there was only one 4 winner. This was Ruth Lynch, Evan Thomas and Mick Moodie. Second with 3…
Another big group of 24 players and fine weather made for good bowls. The best 3 winner was the team of Mike Wilkinson and Garth Partridge with 15 ends beating…
Again in beautiful sunshine and a full green of players we had only two 4 winners. These were the teams of Stuart, Priscilla and Des with 25 ends and Leon,…
Bowls North Harbour is a progressive organisation co-ordinating and administering bowls activities for the twenty clubs in the North Shore area. The sport is served by a voluntary Board elected…
In very fine weather the bowling in the Saturday pm Haggle was excellent. With a big field of 24 players there were no 3 winners. Instead there was the most…
With three games in lovely sunny conditions, there were some good bowls played. Because there were so many close games there was only one three winner. That team was Les…
Just a reminder that we do have bowls on a Tuesday commencing at 12.30p.m. playing two games of eight ends. All very social. We've even started having a 'cuppa' after…
A good number (24) turned out on Saturday afternoon for the haggle. With no rain and little wind, some good bowls were played. There were 3 three winners on the…
AGENDA FOR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD 9:30 am on Saturday 29th June 2019 AT THE CLUBROOMS, 11 – 13 Ramsgate Terrace, Mairangi Bay Apologies. Minutes of Annual General Meeting of…