SPLASH for CASH Friday results – June 19 2020
What a superb afternoon of bowls under the best of Auckland's winter sunshine. We learnt about the Catholic history of Loos and the Miracle of the water in the Cathedral.…
What a superb afternoon of bowls under the best of Auckland's winter sunshine. We learnt about the Catholic history of Loos and the Miracle of the water in the Cathedral.…
Just another stunning afternoon for bowls and a full field of 36 players occupying the 9 rinks on our carpet green: what a great asset to the club the carpet…
As previously advised, the Annual General Meeting of the Mairangi Bay Bowling Club (Inc.) is to be held in the clubrooms on Saturday 20 June commencing at 9:30 am sharp.…
The Friday Splash the Cash on 12 June was held in perfect bowling conditions, was well attended, lots of fun and we learnt about Music Writing and Double Decker bus…
Hamish requests the assistance of three or four to help spread a light layer of sand over the grass greens on the mornings of Monday & Tuesday next week, commencing…
A full field played out the regular Thursday winter event of 4 games, three bowls triples, in mainly fine conditions with just a couple of sprinkles of rain. Coming out…
SPLASH THE CASH - FUN Friday entry sheet. Start time is 1:00pm sharp Under COVID-19 Level 1 regulations we are able to have 9 rinks on the carpet green. …
As at Tuesday afternoon, here is the entry list for the Open Triples, Any Combination, on Thursday 11th June 2020 4 Games of 3 bowl triples, each game for 90…
It was great to be out in the fresh air and we were lucky enough to dodge most of the showers that blew through the bay. The team to best…
Friday $pla$h the Ca$h got off to a $uper $tart. We learnt about a man who kept some eggs in his wall safe. There was a 2 winner $40 and…