Championship Mixed Pairs results
The match committee apologies for not writing a summary of the 2019 / 2020 Championship Mixed Pairs after it had been played. The first semi-final between the Miles and the…
The match committee apologies for not writing a summary of the 2019 / 2020 Championship Mixed Pairs after it had been played. The first semi-final between the Miles and the…
Try as we might we have been unable to figure a way to play the Ladies' Triples within the current Level 2.5 Covid restrictions so regrettably the first event of…
Arena Living Mixed Triples starts again on Tuesday October 6th Played on the first Tuesday of each month, each day is a separate tournament but points are awarded for a…
This is a new concept tournament sponsored by Silverfin Capital Limited commencing on Tuesday October 20th Teams of 5 must have at least 1 man & 1 woman. Everyone plays…
On Saturday 5th September, the Saturday Haggle restarts with a restricted format to ensure social distancing. Play commences at 12 noon. The Thursday competition is also in a new format…
Bowls North Harbour Online Competition Entry. The Online Registration system for Bowls North Harbour events is now up and running. You can get to the online entry page by clicking…
Opening Day & Prize Giving and Roll Up: At this stage we are still planning to proceed with the Prize Giving and Opening Day as scheduled on Saturday 12 September…
Greetings All, With the Government dropping the COVID-19 alert level to level 2 as of midnight Sunday August 30th it means that the club can, on a limited basis, resume… Congratulations to Theresa Rogers and to Colin Rogan from Mairangi Bay and to all the other GOLD achievers.
Many of you will be aware of the proposal by Auckland Transport to create a bus lane on Ramsgate Terrace from outside our clubrooms to the roundabout on Beach Road.…