This year Jo & James Fun Day Out was held on Tuesday March 28th. The weather Gods were kind to us and the tournament was played in perfect bowling conditions.
There were 46 entrants which made for some challenging organization. We had 10 teams of Fours & Two Triples teams. There were some interesting challenges for the bowlers, such as playing to the jack wherever it was delivered as long as it was in the confines of the rink. The ditch was also acceptable. The first end was a bonus end which put pressure on the Leads. A Kill resulted in the opposing Skip being able to place the jack wherever they wished. And then there was the Power Play which didn’t always result in a doubling of points.
Although players played in the same position all day ie as a Lead or a Skip, the teams changed each round and it wasn’t until everyone was back in the club rooms that players discovered which team they were actually playing for.
The winning team was team I with a whopping score of 179 points. Unfortunately the Organizer did not record their names.
Thanks to Jo & James very generous sponsorship there were prizes for everyone, including a bottle of Bubbles for Louise Ball who had a toucher with her very first bowl with her brand new bowls. Well done, Louise.
The Coffee & Cone van organised by Jo & James was onsite 12.00 til 2.00 & did a roaring trade dispensing free Icecreams & coffees. Thank you Jo & James. You know how to keep our members happy.
As always we are very grateful to Jo & James for their generous ongoing support and if you are thinking of relocating please have a chat with either of them.