The middle of May and a lusciously warn afternoon for our Winter Saturday pm Haggle. The new start time for winter is 12, midday with the three games of one hour meaning that it was still a pleasant, warm afternoon when the bowling was completed around 3 30pm.
The Winter Series of the Saturday pm Haggle introduces a new points system with points aggregating throughout the Winter season, with cash prizes to be spread widely amongst the regular participants. Points will be awareded as follow:
1 point for entering (and attending)
2 points for a game win
1 point for a game draw
2 points for the winner of the day
1 point for the runner up of the day.
This week we had a field of 28 players and therefore there were 4 prizes and a lucky dip. Hard luck to two 2 winners who did not make the prize list: Colleen Rice & Stuart Mackay 2W, 13E and 18P. Steve McGregor & Pam O’Connor 2W, 9E 24P.
Lucky Dip – Gayle Wilkinson & Michael Cairns-Cowan
4th – 2W, 14E, 27P – Leon Wech & Rick George
3rd – 2.5W, 13E, 19P – David Payne & Jim Center
2nd – 3W, 12E, 21P – Russell Parkinson and Marion McDonald
1st – 3W, 14E, 41P – Muy Chhour & Geoff Ladd

After week 1, Muy and Geoff are the aggregate leaders on 9 points and Russell and Marion have 8 points.
The Harcourts Community Carpet green is required for the Bowls North Harbour, Champ of Champ 4s, for both Saturday 22nd May and Sunday 23rd May and therefore there will be no Haggle on Saturday 22 May 2021. We endeavour to hold the Haggle every week as we realise that this event is popular with our new bowlers and is sometimes the only opportunity for those who work to get to play. With the disrupted season events, it is sometimes not possible to run the Haggle, however we assure you that our focus is to minimise the times that the Haggle is not able to be run.