Our Centuria | Bayleys Jackpot pairs was played by 40 people who enjoyed good company, fine weather, and a few laughs.
Our sponsors, Centuria | Bayleys, provided some hats and high quality water bottles that were also up for winning. So in keeping with the spirit of our Jackpot Pairs format, various methods were arranged to ensure that luck was more important than bowling ability to win these items.

We also learnt about a man sun bathing on the beach with nothing more than a hat on.
We congratulated the Rogers and the James couples on 50 years of Marriage. Well done guys. An achievement to be proud of these days. And also congratulated Ron Rennie on his 90th birthday the previous Friday. You’re looking good Ron and your bowling is as masterful as ever. Great to have you participating in the club events.
So the best 2 winners were: Peter Orgias & Glenda Rountree
Best 1 Winner: Garth and Tony Trent
Worst No Winner: ???? But they did get a cap each
Jackpot of $100 not struck with a differential of 10 so $150 next time
The Super Joker Jackpot had 3 attempts. 2 went for the money and Jane Mackay took a shot at revealing the JOCKER, however it remained hidden, no luck. The first 2 received fancy Centuria | Bayleys drink bottles as consolation. The Super Joker is now worth $310 next time.

A well supported raffle saw 8 prizes including the first 2 receiving the elegant Centuria | Bayleys water bottles.
Thank you to all for your support and also Centuria |Bayleys for their unexpected surprise gifts. You just never know what turns up for winning on these FUN days.
Next Jackpot Pairs is FRIDAY THE 11th FEBRUARY
Enter on LINE or Ph Ric Lydford 410 6870 Direct
Ric Lydford