Bowls 3five Report

Last weekend the NHB BOWLS3FIVE tournament was held at Browns Bay Bowling Club. 48 Triples teams were entered and played on all three greens. This is a club entered tournament,…

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The Regional 1-5 Octagonal Tournament is on this weekend 15/16 March. There is no club play. Feel free to come along and watch.   The last round of Silverfin 5's…

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Haggle 8 March

18 entries meant triples was played. Remember there is no haggle next weekend due to the 1-5 Regional Octagonal being played at the club. The haggle will be back on…

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Haggle 1 March

With 5 inter club teams in action the haggle was naturally down in numbers but that didn't stop the 4 teams playing coming up with the strangest results ever. The…

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