Results – Saturday pm Haggle – 11 November 2023
A lovely sunny day, 24 players and Mayfair green running a bit quicker, all in all a great day at the club. The winners were clear but in the minor…
A lovely sunny day, 24 players and Mayfair green running a bit quicker, all in all a great day at the club. The winners were clear but in the minor…
Another mixed weather day for the Arvida Living tournament, we had sun, wind, rain & then more sun! Again we had 20 teams entered with the following results: Winners were Ian…
With only 6 teams entered it was decided to change the format, so that the draw didn't have such a big impact on the end result. Qualifying day we played…
Women’s Triples was won by Elaine McClintock and her team, Irene Donaldson & Kerin Roberts. They beat Sheryl Wellington, Jan Gledhill & Colleen Rice combo by one point. …
Haggle report Saturday Nov 4 2023 What a busy and active club we have, as shown by Men's pairs champs, Women's triples champs, plus another 20 members playing 2 -…
On the second day of November we had a full field for the two natural grass greens. Many thanks to all participants and to the many visitors. The Thursday competition…
Labour Day Monday saw the running of the Bays Cup for all 1-5 bowlers, held at Mairangi Bay. Sponsored by our own Les Boulton, this is one of the few…
While the men's singles was fought out on the grass 20 keen bowlers competed in the Haggle up on the carpet and had a great day. Results were tight with…
Although the weather reports were not very good, we still had 16 entries. Unfortunately we only got in 1 game, the rest was cancelled, money returned and all went home.…
The Dils sponsored Triples tournament, attracted a large field of 26 teams and took place on a very cold and windy day but luckily no rain Sixth place went to…