Results – Haggle – Sunday 21 April 2024
After a rained off Saturday and with the 1-5 Interclub on it was a hardy bakers dozen of hagglers that turned out on a blustery overcast Sunday afternoon. In an…
After a rained off Saturday and with the 1-5 Interclub on it was a hardy bakers dozen of hagglers that turned out on a blustery overcast Sunday afternoon. In an…
With 24 entries and even numbers we got 8 teams playing 3 bowls triples. A pleasantly sunny afternoon, with some wind, of course, made for a great afternoon. First prize…
On Tuesday we had the 1st year Women’s Singles. Originally we had three women, but the previous week Debbie Coffey had a fall and fractured some ribs. So we were…
There was a reminder that winter is just around the corner with the temperature changing from warm to chilly when the sun when behind the clouds. Overall a great day…
The first round of the 2024 Centuria-Bayleys Winter Haggle League got off to a great start on Saturday. With double points at stake a good turnout of 28 players turned up for a great…
The last of the single entry tournaments for the 2023-24 summer season was held on 11 April in extremely windy and unpleasant conditions. Fourteen teams of triples braved the conditions…
Last weekend, the 6th & 7th April, was the Bowls New Zealand National Interclub 7’s finals. The Mairangi Bay Pearls won the North Harbour tournament to earn the right to…
Being the first Skintel Jackpot Pairs for the season I wasn't sure as to how many members would attend. Well what a great afternoon. The weather was fine and 35…
An overcast day saw the haggle playing on the carpet for the first time this year. 17 players enjoyed their day while the North Harbour 1-5 ladies battled it out…
EASTER MONDAY - The weather again played its part and provided a beautiful fine afternoon for the annual Easter Monday tournament at the club. There were 31 players who came…