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Most Club Members will be aware of the Duty chart on the whiteboard just inside the main entry door to the clubrooms.

The chart lists the names of all Club Members & a list of tasks that need a commitment to by members in order for our club to run smoothly.

Please remember that we are a club, run by volunteers with no paid staff. All Club Members have a responsibility to help in whatever way they can. Listed below are the tasks that you can help with. If everyone was to tick at least 2 tasks this would spread the load more fairly.

While it would be nice to just “play bowls” if everyone took that attitude there would be no bowls organised to play!!!! Yes, you may have “done your bit” but in some instances that may have been some time ago and, guess what?? Your turn has rolled around again.

If you’ve looked at the list & thought there was nothing there you felt able to assist with, please look again as I’ve added a few more ways in which people can help. In most instances, you would be part of a group.

Regards Sandra.

Assisting with Business House League on Wednesday evenings
Carpet Green Maintenance Keeping the carpet clean of litter etc especially prior to a corporate hire or tournament
Centre Events being available to help set up the greens in the morning, assist in the kitchen
Club Room Maintenance Helping keep our club rooms clean & tidy. We have contract cleaners for basic cleaning but they don’t do windows for example
Coaching  We need more coaches. We can arrange for you to have training.
Corporate Hires Being available to assist when groups want to come & play bowls, help set up etc
Fund Raising  Be part of a group who come up with ideas & organise activities to raise much-needed funds
Gardens  & Grounds
Health & Safety
Kitchen we need a small team to take responsibility for the smooth running of the kitchen
Library  helping keep the library tidy, ensuring newly donated books are added, old tattered copies delete.
Morning Teas John Valentine would like volunteers to make morning tea for Thursday tournaments, maybe once every 2 months. Hardly onerous
Newsletter &  Publicity  Garth does an excellent job but he wouldn’t be averse to some assistance. Contributing items, photos etc. Using Facebook, ideas for advertising the club & our events
Repairs & Maintenance  once again, a small team of handymen/women prepared to tend to minor repairs etc as needed
Social  be part of a group to organise social events eg Trivial Pursuit evening, a trip to the races etc
Sponsorship  Do you know of a business who might be interested in sponsoring a tournament, having signage at the club
Tournaments learn how to run tournaments, or just help with setting up the greens on tournament days
Umpires  We need more Umpires. We can assist with training to become an Umpire