Harcourts Fun Day generously sponsored by James Dixon was held on a very hot Tuesday February 25th. Disappointingly the numbers were down this year, due to a busy Championship weekend & an unanticipated Village tournament on the Monday.
However those that did come out to support our tournament had an excellent day, playing 3 games of triples in mixed up teams, no one knowing exactly who their actual team mates were until prize giving. And even then, some still weren’t aware of who their team mates were!!! Unfortunately the results were all recorded on the white board & the Organiser didn’t take a photo so she is unable to report who the winning teams were. (Out of practice!!) However, everyone had their choice of a prize and Annie received an additional prize for having the first toucher of the day. Also in the first round the team of Bruce Aley, Jim Price & Joy Finney had the highest winning differential of the day of 20 – 2, also earning them an additional prize.
Harcourts Coffee & Cone van was in attendance & was very well patronized. Thank you, James!! The club is greatly indebted to James for his ongoing & very generous sponsorship of our club, along with Harcourts Cooper & Co. If you are considering selling up please consider talking to James first. His contact details can be found on the back cover of our handbook.
It is our sponsors who help keep the club in a good financial position. Without them we would not be able to give such generous prizes (the best in North Harbour) & our subs would undoubtedly rise. However, sponsors do need to see they get some support back, other than just our thanks. A list of our sponsors can be found on pages 10 through 15 in our hand book. Check them out!!