Congratulations to the following Mairangi Bay bowlers for making the following Bowls North Harbour teams for the Octagonal challenge on the weekend of 15/16th February.

The OCTAGONAL is a competition between 8 centres throughout the upper North Island.  Teams of 7 players from each centre play singles, pairs and fours in a round-robin of 7 rounds: 4 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. We should be proud of our club members who have been chosen to represent Bowls North Harbour in this prestigious competition.  They will welcome your support.

Women Premier at Browns Bay.
Colleen Rice
Theresa Rogers
Sheryl Wellington.

Men’s Development at Howick.
David Payne.

Women Development.
Judi Farkash
Glenda Rountree.

Well done to our skilled bowlers. May your bowls go where you intend them to.

Results are to be available on BowlsHub Aotearoa on the following link:
Octagonal Results Link

Mairangi Bay is to host the 1 to 5-year stage of this Octagonal competition on 15/16th March.  It is an honour for our club to be the host, and with over 160 bowlers from around the country coming to Mairangi Bay, it is a great showcase for our club.  We are fortunate to have a core team of volunteers sorting out the logistics for this event, and if you are called on, your help will be appreciated.