The Forrest Funeral Services sponsored Triples event with 19 teams competing was held on Thursday 21 November in weather conditions that could be best described as very unfavourable. We had a few stoppages for rain and as the day progressed the wind speed increased which made it very difficult to play good bowls. However we prevailed and managed to complete the day.
A new format of 2-3-2 was played and the general consensus was that it was enjoyable.
Despite the adverse conditions we still managed to have 3 four winners each having 31 ends.
The results were:
1st Phil Chisholm, Sean Mulholland, Theresa Rogers 4 wins, 31 ends, 64 points
2nd Bruce McClintock, Colin Rogan, Lindsay Gilmore 4 wins, 31 ends, 60 points
3rd Evan Thomas, Bevan Smith, Ian Hardy 4 wins, 31 ends, 55 points
Morning prize Ian Coombe, Sanfra Coombe, Bruce Aley
Afternoon prize Larry Cain, Irene Donaldson, Stuart Jamieson
Lucky Dip Geraldine Wight, Tony James, Tony Trent/Ron Horne