There is one slot available for a team in our Silverfin 5’s series which commences on Tuesday October 15

Silverfin 5’s is played as a round robin and runs throughout the season being played on Tuesdays October 15, November 19, December 17, February 18 & March 18.

Each team has 5 players, one of whom must be a woman & one a man. Players play 3 games per day & everyone plays at least one game of triples and one game of pairs.

Points are awarded for each win to determine the daily winners and the points are accrued to determine the overall winner on Finals Day.

Bonus points will be awarded to those teams who field a team every time. Teams may be composite teams, in that members do not have to belong to the same club. Reserves & replacements may be used throughout the season.

If you would like to enter a team please email . There is space for only one team.