Another full field of 18 teams. Not particularly pleasant weather with beanies, jackets and hoodies being the order of the day. Three bowl triples, one hour twenty, and finishing on even bowls after the bell for a change. That third bowl being the saviour for some teams and heartbreak for others at times.
Competition must have been pretty close as there were only two 4 winners and one 3 winner, which made sorting out the prizes straightforward.
First, with 4 wins and 22 ends – Sheryl Wellington, Kerrin Roberts and John Gledhill
Second, also with 4 wins but 21 ends – Brian Nolan, Kevin Robertson and Bob Mullins
Third, the only 3 winner – George Jones, Tony James and Steve McGregor
The daily prize was awarded to the team with a zero differential at the end of the day.
The teams of Gaye Horne and Tony Trent were hopeful at the end of play, each with a differential of +1 (you shouldn’t have snaffled that last point with your last bowl of the last end of the last game Gaye) to be outdone by Garry Banks’ team who had a zero differential.
Lucky dip went to the team of Peter Orgias, Gordon Jenkins and Allan Langley.
As usual, a big thanks to those who helped make the day successful – in the kitchen, in the bar, doing the raffle, setting up the green and packing away afterwards, and even barrowing soil at lunchtime.
Steve McGregor (convenor)