Greetings all  Members

With the retention of Level 2.5 by the Government and bubble limits of 10 for at least for another week we can only continue with Thursday and Haggle play as currently organised.
This will be the case until these restrictions are reviewed next Monday. As Tiger Turf is proposing to lift the carpet for remedial work next week we may not have any play during that week.

Your board has had a number of players request that whilst we continue to play on the carpet green that dress code be retained as mufti, even though we are officially now in our summer season. Apparently, this has been the ruling in past seasons.  So, the board has agreed that whilst we play on the carpet green, irrespective of the format, dress code will be mufti.

I understand that Hamish is currently saying that the beginning of October for the natural greens being available. Once play moves to the natural greens normal summer dress code will apply.

We will advise which Thursday the prize-giving will be held once we have the ability to hold it, without number restrictions.

The new season’s club and centre handbooks will be in the clubhouse as of Thursday.

On Behalf of the Board
Stuart Jamieson